Tuesday 3 February 2015

New series : Upsetting Times

Hi guys, Mimi here. I've been making a new series called Upsetting times and some of the parts are already out. I don't make them much due to lag, but whenever I am lag free then I do another part. I can't be on all the time either, people say and remove me for never being online. Well actually I have school to deal with and other things... 

Here are some of them, I would be really grateful if you helped me by watching them. I will be rewarding some greetings and auto and wishy and so will my sister so please help her as well! (: 

By the way, every mean comment posted on my movies will instantly be deleted because I've had enough hate already with just art books and messages so just to tell you that. 

Thank you for reading, I'd say there will be a few parts to this series and then I will make another series next. Stay tuned for more :) By the way, ask for gifts and wishys and greets and autos without watching my movies means an instant block, because with the amount of lag I have on there is unbearable. 

Also, I will watch movies I'm in. I can't watch them all sadly, due to the lag. 

Heres one of my music videos I made, if you want to watch some more videos of mine my channel is tillyandjoe1. 

Have a good day, 
Tilly x


  1. I love your movie series your so createful x I think you should be an actress when your older xoxox
