Monday 6 April 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter :)

Om I'm so late to posting this o-o I just haven't been blogging lately v-v I've been so engrossed in making my series videos :P 

Anyways, tommorow (7/04/15) the easter egg hunt will expire so you'll have to complete it very quickly to get the easter boonie and the other prizes. Tbh, the other prizes aren't exactly as good, but you still have to complete it all otherwise you cannot get the easter boonie D:

By the way, on Msp yesterday on easter on forums, there was so much hate being spread around that it made me want to scream. On easter as well, the day Jesus sacrificed his life for all of us and all you can do is scam and hate on one another?

1. You shouldn't scam people anyway. Why would you? Oh wait, because some people were being selfish for 'rares' which have now taken over moviestarplanet and nobody can do anything else but scam because it's 'fun'.

2. If someone did scam you, just report the user and contact moviestarplanet about it. It is reported and noted then, and they usually will give a lock or warning to the user.

3. No need to spread it to everyone else, nobody wants to hear that you've been scammed and even if they do, it just causes more hate on one another and it leads for more people to scam and hate.

So just be nice to one another and bring peace to the world like was when jesus was around. If your religious or not, it still applies to you whether you like it or not. People will not like you if you are rude and ungrateful, and certainly won't want to be your friend. But what comes around, goes around. So take my advice, and settle this now, and leave it behind you. Just like any 'normal' person would do, unless you are not normal. 

Have a lovely day and thank you for reading this. Happy Easter :)

~ Mimi

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